Community. Creativity. Clarity.

I believe we were created to connect. We were born with the desire to hold, to experience and to see.

And that’s why the internet is such a gift. The internet is our opportunity to share what we believe with millions of hearts. What we share can impact the communities we hold dear.

This is why I love to work with ministries & outreaches which aim to share the good news of Jesus. Jesus wasn’t just a friendly guy. Or a teacher with new ideas. He is God, and He saves those who had already given up hope. His message is one worth sharing.

I believe the internet can help you expand your reach. By bringing people together with the right tools, your message can reach farther too. Let’s stay in touch.


Ministério Fiel (Brazil), Voltemos ao Evangelho (Brazil), Seminário Martin Bucer (Brazil) and 9Marks (US).


Married to beautiful Sabrina, dad to Arthur and Thomas. Bachelors in Theology and 1.5 decades of experience with internet marketing.